TH10-12 War Strategies: Attacks with Hog Riders

Hog Rider attacks and LaLoon attacks are not for the casual Clasher.  These attacks take a lot of planning, probably more so than other attack strategies. Planning: How can I achieve the key objectives? How will I create my funnel for the Killsquad/Queen-Charge/Hero-Charge? What spells will I need for my Killsquad/Queen-Charge? How and where will… Read More TH10-12 War Strategies: Attacks with Hog Riders

Town Hall 9 War Strategy: Penta-LaLoon and now Quad LaLoon

Update 4/6/2017:  I had already updated the GoLaLoon post to include Clash Tutor’s Quad LaLoon video, but then I realized it might be better suited for this post.  Quad-LaLoon is very simliar to Penta-LaLoon.  It’s just the more modern version of the attack, since the update near the end of 2016 that improved how fast… Read More Town Hall 9 War Strategy: Penta-LaLoon and now Quad LaLoon